Hawk Shadow Farms
Hawk Shadow Farm Livestock

Boer Goat Herdsires!!!

Our Fullblood & Percentage Boer does.


 Bucks For Sale!!

Does for sale!!

Miniature Herefords

Stay-Tuff Brand Fencing

Happy Horsetails Jewelry

Retirement Horse Boarding

Cody's Page!!!!

Albums of favorite pictures from the farm.

Contact Page


Welcome to Hawk Shadow Farm

Hawk Shadow Farm is located in South Central Missouri between Mansfield and Mountain Grove. We are within one hour of Springfield. We are also within easy driving distance of St. Louis, Sedalia, and Kansas City. We have relocated to this beautiful state from South Central Pennsylvania. We plan to expand our herd to commercial size and still have our quality show/breeding stock herd.

We sell meat goats, 4-H projects, and quality Fullblood Boer, Boer/Kiko, Boer/Spanish and Boer/ Dairy cross breeding stock. We have been raising goats for several years for meat and pets. In 1998 we were introduced to the Boer goat.

Our goal at Hawk Shadow Farm is to produce a quality meat goat that can be sold at an affordable price. WE WANT OUR MEAT KIDS TO ALWAYS BRING TOP MARKET PRICES and our breeding stock to be hardy, healthy, non-pampered, producers.

Our Story!!

In 1995 we bought 11.8 acres in Pennsylvania. We had horses then, so we figured that was all the land we needed. We bought our land from our blacksmith, Hobe Muller. We had a nice little place there. As the months went by, Hobe kept telling us about these red-headed goats. By April of 1998 we had convinced ourselves that we wanted to get some of these red-headed goats. Both of us grew up with pet goats, but never any special breed. We bought four Halfblood Boer does and a Fullblood Boer buck. That was the start of our herd. We sold market goats for 4-H projects and we sold a few for barbeque goats. We even had some nice does to sell for breeding stock. We increased our herd and constantly tried to improve the herd. By January of 2000 we had over 100 Boer and Boer crosses. We decided we needed more land. Land is very expensive in Pennsylvania. Our friends Peggy and Ronnie invited us to go to Missouri with them to visit her Dad. We went in March of 2000. We loved it so much that we went home to Pennsylvania and put out the "For Sale" sign. While we were waiting to get our place sold, we figured on down-sizing the herd. Otherwise we would have had two extra trips to make when we moved. In May of 2002 we got a contract on our place in PA and came to Missouri to find a farm. The second day looking we knew this was the place. Still we looked for two more days. Then we picked this one out and put a contract on it. In August of 2002 with the help of our parents and my grandfather and our really good friend Jesse, we made the first of four trips across country with our loads. We made a total of four trips with two Dodge trucks pulling two 16 & 24 foot trailers on all the trips. My parents also brought their truck and mini-van out on the first trip. We brought 25 goats with us. Since then, we have gained a few and lost a few. We've been through quite a bit getting the animals settled in to their new environment. New climate, new feed, new hay and grass, and PREDITORS. It all makes a difference. Things are going much better than they were. We love it here in Missouri and we wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

Welcome to Hawk Shadow Farm!!!

Our goal at Hawk Shadow Farm is to have 100 breeding does. We want 50 head of quality commercial goats and 50 head of show quality goats. We specialize in 4-H market wethers, goats for meat, and a few select does for breeding stock at this time. We will have a select number of show quality Fullblood and Purebred Boer buck kids to sell this year. We also sell commercial bucks. Our goats, especially the does, sell fairly fast. We will hold kids till weaned with a 50% deposit. Please visit our other pages to meet our herdsires, does, kids and goats for sale.

In 2005 we bought our first rolls of STAY-TUFF BRAND FENCING after trying several other brands. We won't use anything but STAY-TUFF now. Check out our page on this great fencing for ALL CLASSES OF LIVESTOCK.

By the way, our names are Brian, Melissa, and Cody Jacobs. Thanks for stopping by and we're always happy to meet new people and share ideas about raising goats. Feel free to make an appointment to stop by and;

If we don't have the goat you are looking for, we might know someone that does.


Thanks for viewing our website! We have sold goats to the following states: Arkansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New York, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Maryland. Thanks to all who have purchased goats from us. We will continue to improve our herd so you can purchase quality animals from us.

Please be patient if we don't get this site updated on a regular basis. Our animals and their care come first. Our fencing business keeps us very busy, so we will update as often as we can.

Right now at Hawk Shadow Farm we are raising:

Registered Fullblood & Percentage Boer goats - Specializing in DAPPLES!!!

Registered Miniature Hereford Cattle

We are also a dealer for STAY-TUFF BRAND FENCING and are ceritfied contractors for Stay-Tuff and are the owners of B & M Fencing.

Please feel free to contact us about any of the above. We are always happy to answer questions. We can also mail you info packets on the Stay-Tuff Fencing.




Hawk Shadow Farm

"Renoir's Carbon Copy" and Brian and Melissa Jacobs.

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